Prepaid Euro cards are an alternative way of spending money abroad – they work slightly differently to debit and credit cards and can often be a safer method than using cash. However, they may also carry certain risks that you should be aware of before using one. With a prepaid euro card, you load it up with euros before you go on holiday and then use it in the same way as a debit or credit card. However, the advantage of a prepaid euro card is that you will avoid the expensive fees debit and credit cards usually charge for overseas use. 
You can use prepaid euro cards for transactions in shops or cash withdrawals while you’re traveling abroad in Europe. However with a normal debit or credit cards you could also be at risk of spending more than you have, either by entering your overdraft or exceeding the amount you can realistically expect to pay back in time.
Using a prepaid Euro card involves loading it up with your Euros before you travel, then using it in the same way as a bank card – this way you can only spend what you’ve planned on spending, and if you run out then you’ll have to top it up again.


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